Grumsh Miller

Medium-size Male Halforc

Rogue 1

Hit Dice:D6
Hit Points:8
Speed:Walk 30'
AC:10+3+2 = 15 (dodge)
Alignment:Neutral Good


Heavy Mace+3
Dagger (Thrown)+3


Heavy Mace 1d8+3
Dagger 1d4+3
Dagger (Thrown) 1d4+3


Orc, Common, Elf




Str 16 +3
Dex 16 +3
Con 15 +2
Int 13+1
Wis 10+0
Cha 8-1


Name ranks Abil Misc Bonus
Balance 1 (Dex = 3) 4
Climb 2 (Str = 3) 5
Disable device 4 (Int = 1) 5
Innuendo 1 (Wis = 0) 1
Intimidate 4 (Cha = -1) 3
Hide 4 (Dex = 3) 7
Listen 2 (Wis = 0) 2
Move silently 4 (Dex = 3) 7
Open lock 4 (Dex = 3) 7
Perform (singing) 1 (Cha = -1) 0
Search 4 (Int = 1) 5
Spot 4 (Wis = 0) 4
Tumble 1 (Dex = 3) 4



Special Qualities

Darkvision, Sneak attack +1D6, Trapfinding

Weight allowance

Light: 76 lb
Medium: 153 lb
Heavy: 230 lb

Possessions (200 gp)

Heavy Mace: 12 GP equipped
2xDagger: 4 GP equipped
Leather armour: 10 GP equipped
Thieves tool, masterwork: 100 GP equipped
Backpack: 2 Gp equipped
2xsilk robe: 20 Gp equipped
Pouch, belt: 1 gp equipped
Grapling hook: 1gp equipped
Money: 50 gp


Beji Miller: Human bard at The Headless Horseman, Grumsh' father

Higgin Greenbottle: Halfling, Grumsh' boss and leader of thieves guild.

Laucian Galanodel, aka Peter West: Halfelf and Grumsh' partner in burglary.

Grumsh is the offspring between a drunk female barbarian halforc, Urla, who was celebrating her Day of Comming to Age and a very, very drunken bard, Beji Miller, who was celebrating the Day Of Music, the day a mortal stole the music from the gods and gave it to the mortals.

When Urla found that she was pregnant, she sought out Beji again and they agreed to a pact, much similar to marriage, in order to raise the child. They did not, however, get any more children.

A few years after Urla's childhood tribe of orcs became pressed on their hunting grounds by a tribe of bugbears and Urla's mother was killed in combat. Urla left to revenge her mother - something she could do by either killing the killer or killing as many of his kinsmen as possible during that summer. But she never returned and by midwinters celebration word came from Urla's father that she had died bravely figthing an overpowering number of foes. She had even earned herself the name of Bear-killer.

Beji, though he himself was longing for the free way of bards, stayed with Grumsh. He Beji became employed and made enough to earn his keep. He played each night in a tavern by the name of The Headless Horseman which was a questionable tavern and subject to frequent searches by the local law and ever so often several patrons and occationally employees were arrested. When crimes did not make the city guard take a special interest in the tavern, brawls did.

Grumsh was babysitted by the employees and the patrons of that tavern and even though Beji tried to make a bard out of his son and even though Grumsh loved song and music, Grumsh liked the things the patrons and the employees teached him much more.

When he was 10 he was initiated into the organisation that had office at a table in the corner at the tavern. His new boss, who happened to own the tavern as well, was Higgin Greenbottle, a sly halfling with a love for daggers and old gold coins. His partner was Laucian Galanodel, a halfelf buglar. His real name was Peter West and he took more after his human heritage than his elven but he liked very much to play The Elf.

Grumsh and Laucian were good. Laucian would spot the jobs, plan them, make sure they got that most valuable stuff and sell them. Grumsh would do the dangerous parts such as standing guard, disabling traps, open locks and make sure that Laucian got away free. It was a good partnership because Laucian did not cheat Grumsh once, at least not after Higgin tipped off Grumsh who beat some messaurement of honor into Laucian - well, thieves honor that is.

Eventually things went wrong. A victim had hired guards and they completely took Laucian and Grumsh by surprise. Laucian went down and Grush took a few swings but managed to escape. Back at The Headless Horseman Higgin calmed him down and told him that Laucian would be helped if he was still alive. Then Higgin hired three men to get into a public fight with Grumsh. When the city guards came to arrest Grumsh (they had a pretty good idea that he was the missing thief) there were plenty of witnesses - even trustworthy ones - who were willing to swear that the wounds that Grumsh had was from the fight with three troublemakers at the tavern.

When the city guards had left, Higgin told Grumsh to lay low for a while. He gave the halforc a note reading "I am Gordrenn, purveyor of magical paraphernalia, material necessities and related items to many wizards of note. I will hire six of you to transport a chest to the wizard Tauster in Thurmaster. Please introduce yourselves and tell me why I should hire you.". Then Higgin said: "This could get you out of town because right now the city guards are going to try to create a lot of trouble for you - and for me if you stay"